
Showing posts from 2019

Integrate Choco with SCCM

Integrating Choco with SCCM Choco is well known and recently I've written on how to integrate choco with puppet as the control mechanism.  Today, I've explored how to do this with SCCM configuration manager.  This article assumes you have a working SCCM environment.  My lab environment was set up using Oracle's personal use virtual box and evaluation software provided by Microsoft's eval center and a Fedora host system.  (Let me know if you would like to know more about my setup) The reason I'm writing about this is to keep 3rd party software up to date leveraging choco packages as well as develop a standard deployment model for all software. High level steps: Create choco installer application in sccm. Create notepad++ installer and uninstaller applications in sccm. Upgrade notepad++ with supersedence Deploy non standard package (Comming soon) So to dig in, first we need to install choco on our SCCM clients.  In this test, I'm using SCCM appl