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Windows 11 22H2 production setup!

Windows 11 22H2 production setup! I recently started to deploy windows 11 and to my chagrin found many applications that didn't align to the business needs such as recommended apps, tiktok, instagram etc, as well as other apps like Microsoft Teams, and Onedrive.  So this is a short blog and shout out to the resources I found to help tame this beast Microsoft released. Customize the start menu for the default profile to remove suggested apps for all users Uninstall bloatware for all users Customized Start Menu Log in as an admin account and customize the start menu they way you would like. Windows 11 stores the customized configuration under the users profile folder: c:\users\%user%\appdata\local\packages\Microsoft.Windows.StartMenuExperienceHost_%randomized%\localstate\start2.bin Copy this start2.bin file to somewhere on the network.  Like the sysvol domain controller. I wrote the script below to account for the randomization as the folder path is unique per windows install, but co