
Automate Server Patching with Puppet

In this build I'm going to attempt to simplify the "How To" get puppet working with Windows via Chocolatey.  Sounds simple but it took me several days to get this working as I intended.  In addition I wanted to be able to manage puppet from a web UI.  After doing some research I chose to go with Foreman.   Server Side Build: Pick the right OS (for Forman!).   You can pick many OS version that support puppet, foreman however is a different story.   In this build I got to start over with the latest version of CentOS 7.  Install the OS and ensure that your DNS is setup correctly.  You need to be sure that the name of the server and the reverse name of the server match perfectly and it cannot be local host.  Foreman installer will fail if it is.  I named my server puppet.<mydomain> Open the ports that the software will need also: firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=443/tcp firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8443/tcp firewall-cmd --zone=public