Are my GPO's in Sync?

Do you ever wake up at night in a panic...wondering are all my GPO's syncd?  Me too!  So today I thought I would write a GPO script that would allow me to check the versions of all my GPO's!

As you know the GPO version number is stored in a TXT based file in the root of each {<random string>} GIUD number folder and in the TXT file is a version number value.

The script does the following:
  • Gets all the domain controllers in your domain (Checks if they are online or not)
  • Gets all of the {GUID's} in each servers sysvol (If the path exists)
  • Reads the version number for each one (If the file exists)
  • Reports if there are errors
  • Checks to see if all the versions match
  • Prints out a nice report of Server, GUID, Version
Required Modules:  ActiveDirectory
Required Permissions:  RunAs Administrator on a domain controller as a domain admin account.


      #Group Policy Version Checker

      $startpath = get-location | select path
      $startpath = $startpath.path

      import-module activedirectory
      $hostnames = (Get-ADForest).Domains | %{ Get-ADDomainController -Filter * -Server $_ } | select hostname
      $domain = (get-adforest).rootdomain
      $myArray = @()
      $serverList = @()
      $hostnames = $hostnames.hostname
      $count = 0

      foreach($srv in $hostnames){
      $ping = Test-NetConnection $srv | select PingSucceeded
      $ping = $ping.pingsucceeded
      if ($ping -like "true"){
      write-host $srv "reply from host successful"
      $serverlist += [string]$srv

      foreach ($server in $serverList){
      $path = "\\" + $server + "\sysvol\" + $domain + "\Policies\"
      #write-host $path
      set-location $path
      $folders = get-childitem -directory
      foreach($folder in $folders){
      #write-host $
      $subfolder = $
      $subpath = $path + $subfolder
      $pathcheck = test-path $subpath
      if ($pathcheck -eq $true){
      set-location $subpath
      $filecheck = test-path GPT.INI
      if ($filecheck -eq $true){
      $version = get-content GPT.INI | select-string "Version"
      $version = $version -split "="
      $version = $version[1]
      $PSO = New-Object PSObject -property @{Server=$server;Folder=$subfolder;Version=$version}
      $myArray += $PSO
      $myArray | Sort-Object -Property Folder
      #Grab Unique GPO Objects:
      $folderchk = $myArray |select folder
      $folderchk = $folderchk.folder
      $folderchk = $folderchk | select -uniq

      #Create array to track version numbers in loop
      $myversions = @()

      #Loop through myarray and assign each version number to myversions
      foreach ($gpo in $folderchk){
      foreach ($row in $myArray){

      if($row.folder -like $gpo){
      $myversions += $row.version
      $checkveruni = $myversions | select -uniq
      $checkveruni = $checkveruni.count
      if ($checkveruni -gt 1){
      write-host "Mismatch found in $row"
      #write-host "Versions Match for:" $gpo
      $myversions = $null

      set-location $startpath
      start-sleep -seconds 2
      if ($count -eq 0){write-host "Congratualtions all GPO versions are in sync in your domain!"}

I hope you enjoy the script and it can help you in some way!  I had fun writing it.


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